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为了拍我的地三VLOG,我跟张老师去捷運盃街舞大賽 (Metro Street Dance Competition)。去比赛以前,我以为这个比赛只对年轻人有流行,可是我发现很多人来看了,除了年轻人也有年长人和人家。以前,我觉得跟别人用中文聊天让我紧张,可是因为张老师帮我,我现在不太紧张。我觉得我的勇气(yong3 qi4 - courage)会多一点。

我觉得做这个VLOGS不但帮我可以认识台北的另类文化,而且帮我更知道自己 (know myself better)。我也有很多机会可以跟台湾人聊天,让我的中文水平。什么地方都有另类文化,可是我发现台北的另类文化真特别,很有意思,对我有很多兴趣,所以回去温哥华我还想更认识台北的另类文化。

I’m quite satisfied with how my vlog topic turned out; although the major setback for me (and I believe all the students) was time-management. In my original vlog plan, I had hoped to attend at least 3 events, however I only had the chance to film at two of them. That is okay though, because I ultimately was able to still able to explore what the underground music scene, and the street dance culture is like in Taiwan. From going to nightmarkets, I also learned about about what alternative fashion is like here. The vlogs asserted my motivation for picking this project in the first place: I think many subcultures are very important for community building and helping people express their individuality. One thing that surprised me was how many older people attended the Metro Street Dance Competition, for my original impression of the event was that it was marketed towards young dancers. However, I was quite wrong, and it turns out the event was a hit with all ages and demographics; I saw young people along with families and older people. I am grateful that Zhang Laoshi came along with me, because she gave me the courage to interview a couple strangers around me in Chinese. Overall, not only has doing these vlogs been quite fun at times, I have also learned more about Taiwanese subcultures and gained courage in speaking to strangers in Chinese. 

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