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The difficulties I had were due to the camera I was using, my phone camera is not great for the videos, pictures and videos would be different, format varied. Windows movie maker is not the best either. I need to try to be more consistent in filming/ taking pictures. I don’t have the proper gear to really take photos at night, which is a shame because that is the prime time for graffiti to be done. I would like to focus on getting more and better videos instead of just streams of pictures in my videos, however the still pictures are useful because it allows the viewer longer time to look at and try to develop their own understanding. I think my first video suffered from week planning on my part and was thrown together rather hastily, but I do think I did a good job on gathering content throughout my various outing in the areas around Shi Da. I think I should’ve talked more about the legal side of graffiti in my first vlog as well. 

I received some help from a friend who showed me around and told me about Ximending, the biggest spot for graffiti in Taipei. My friend showed me the big murals spots where the pros get to paint. I think this will be the focus of my second vlog. The first vlog is the collection of tags from around Shi da, out to yonkang st, and the night market, I would like to discuss in a future vlog the identity of a certain tag around the university. I would like to focus on Ximending for the second vlog, maybe split it half on the big stuff, and half on the smaller stuff in the alleys that often go unnoticed. I noticed an abandoned building right next to the strip and it was tagged from the ceiling to the floor. 我觉得building 很有意思. I think in my second vlog I should try to find someone painting a large mural and ask them about it, and the graffiti subculture in general. I think one of the biggest problem I will face, and the reason I came to Taiwan, is my Chinese language abilities, I know I can receive help form my project mentor and devising questions to ask, and I think I can receive help from my friend if they join me on my trips out to Ximending and various other spots to ask questions. I think Ximending should be the next area I comb through as it draws the biggest crowds, I would like to ask people “do you know who does this works, do you like them? What do you think about graffiti on the street?” 西门町有很多涂鸦。我觉得涂鸦很漂亮,很有意思。我不知道如果台北的人喜欢涂鸦,我想知道。

Vlog 1: Past Events


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