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我们对台湾约会文化感兴趣。我们想比较温哥华约会文化和台湾约会文化。在我们的视频博客结束时,我们想知道不同之处。所以对于我们的第一个视频博客,我们正在使用 《tinder》找到一个女朋友。

以后第一个视频,我学了《tinder》很难用。我觉得《tinder》很难用,因为我们不可以说中文。所以我们不能和新朋友聊天儿。这是我第一次用 《tinder》。所以我不知道的文化。可是,我还有一些约会

For our Chinese 234 vlog, want to learn more about Taiwaniese dating in comparison to Vancouver dating culture. In order to accomplish this task, in a compilation of 4 mini vlogs, we plan to document our findings.  For this first vlog, we wanted to learn more about Taiwaniese dating by utilizing Tinder. Tinder is a dating app that allows singles to connect with other singles via chat and photos in order to find their ideal match. In order to match with another person, one must not only “like” another person’s profile, but the liked recipient must like the likers profile. This is accomplished through a quick series of viewing many accounts at a given time, and swiping left to “not like” a profile and “right” to like a profiling. Although seemingly difficult, the application is practical and intuitive in practice. The reason I am describing this process thoroughly is not only so you the reader can better understand this application, but for myself it was the first time I used this app as well. 

Tinder proved to be challenging at times. Although we successfully were able to match and chat with other singles, it was quite difficult to communicate with them due to the effects of language barriers. Because of these  language barriers, conversations often resulted in either miscommunication, or lack of interests amongst parties. I found that this factor was effectively the biggest challenge in our first vlog.

Another challenge that was introduced was the culture of Tinder as an application itself in Taiwan. Although tremendously popular in Vancouver, this popularity did not translate overseas in Taiwan (at least this is what Jovan and I assumed). We believe this insight to be true due to the vast differences amongst the same app in the two countries. The most notable of differences was the fact that many of our matches and soon to be matches were consistently somewhat older the two us. Ranging from 23 - 30 year olds, it was prevalent that Tinder was used by an older generation in Taiwan. That is, opposed to Vancouver’s Tinder in which matches are consistently the same age range as us, 18 - 23 year olds. 

On the other hand, there are many possible factors in which could have explained our lack of success in Taiwan’s tinder. A notable possibility is the fact Jovan and I may nowt fit the traditional beauty standards of either the western or eastern cultures. Henceforth, may have resulted in less matches and likes overall. And because matches and likes are the driving factor of a successful tinder account, it becomes a prevalent factor in the failure of this project. However there is no way to confirm this fact. 

Utilizing Tinder to investigate the lifestyle and dating culture of Taiwan was truly fascinating. Because it was my first time using Tinder, I not only learned more about dating culture in a foreign country, but as well in general! If I were to do this again, I would consider using other applications and programs that fit our preferences better. And in terms of using Tinder in Canada, I feel like I will not utilize it due to the fact the culture do not align to my preferences. However, I can genuinely say it was an enjoyable experience and I cannot wait for the other vlogs that we will be shoot on this trip!


我们的第二个 VLOG 很好录影带! 我们出去了很多的不一样的地方。 我们想找台北最好的约会地方!所以,为了娱乐,我去垦丁的海滩!我觉得海滩是很有意思的约会地方是因为不但很漂亮,而且非常便宜!可是我在垦丁,Jovan 去了花蓮縣!Jovan 告诉我花蓮縣非常漂亮。我看看过 Jovan 的照片,还有我也觉得花蓮縣很漂亮。如果我有约会我要带我的牛朋友去花蓮縣是因为花蓮縣很有意思。这两个地方都非常很有意思, 我觉得因为这两个地方都在外面。因为我住漂亮的温哥华。所以我觉得天性很重要。台湾和温哥华有很多的天性!天性不但很漂亮,而且免费!最好,如果我有约会,我要带她吃火锅。我觉得火锅很可爱!我也觉得火锅很有意思是因为很好玩儿。你可以自己做饭!虽然很好玩儿,火锅很贵。贵是贵我觉得火锅非常好玩儿。所以没关系!我问问我的朋友他们的想法。他们告诉我我的约会的地方很有意思。

在这个 VLOG 我有困难 (difficulties - ku4n na2n)。我觉得大的困难是我没有采访台湾人。虽然我有采访我的朋友,我没采访台湾人。因为我想比较温哥华和台湾,我得采访台湾人。所以,我下个 VLOG 我要采访台湾人。可是我觉得我们的第二个 VLOG 和好看。


我们的第二个 VLOG 很好录影带! 在这个 VLOG,我和万荣我们采访 (interview - ca3i fa3ng)了很多人!在师大,我们问问学生和别的人五个约会的问题。我最喜欢的问题是 “如果女朋友说”没关系“是真的吗?还是你觉得...。”有一女学生告诉我们 “看情况,大概没有所以一定没有。”我觉得这个答案很有趣!我觉得这个响应比温哥华人的相应一样是因为很多的温哥华人不不喜欢听说 “I don’t care“ 从他们的女朋友。我很惊讶很多台湾人的反应比加拿大的回应`一样。 可是,因为我没问问加拿大人这些问题,我不这道加拿大人的响应。再我也喜欢的问题是“你觉得约会的时候,男孩子要付钱吗?“很多的女孩子告诉我们他不想男孩子只付钱。因为很多的台湾人我们采访是学生,他们觉得女朋友和男朋友应该付钱。我觉得这些响应会一样温哥华人的响应。因为在温哥华很多的学生多美有很多钱。所以,女朋友和 男朋友会想付钱。

在这个 VLOG 我有困难 (difficulties - ku4n na2n)。我觉得很多的学生说中文说得太快了。因为我很万荣不听懂了。所以我们不可以加每个响应。可是所有的学生很好的人,所以他们帮我们问问题。

源晖's reflections: List


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