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My name is Liam Annis and I am a Canadian citizen currently enrolled at The University of British Columbia. I am pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in finance. While undertaking my business studies, I have also elected to take Mandarin courses throughout my university career.


First and foremost, this program greatly improved my ability to speak and comprehend Mandarin. Having travelled extensively in the past, there is no better environment to learn a language than being fully immersed within the culture. It has brought me a better understanding of how I learn languages best. It has shown me where my strengths and weaknesses lay. It has also allowed me to build great friendship which will no doubt perpetuate into the future.

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螢幕快照 2019-08-21 下午8.15.32.png


Health in Taiwan 台湾的保健之术

As I am already proficient in both French and English, I have a profound love of languages and diverse cultures. Therefore, upon deciding what language I wished to pursue next, Mandarin seemed the most appropriate. The ability to speak Mandarin, even at an intermediate level, would strongly distinguish myself from other candidates when applying for jobs. Mandarin is also a beautiful complement to my chosen career path as Chinese markets are growing at an unprecedented rate, and the ability to converse with Chinese investors in their mother tongue would foster a strong and trusting relationship. In addition to its practical applications, Mandarin has vast differences from the languages I currently know, and with this brings welcomed challenges and fascination with the language. 

This vlog is a collection of my work completed during a summer overseas program in Taipei, Taiwan. With these works, I hope you will be able to see my steady improvements and proficiency in Mandarin. It is also an opportunity to share with you the many interesting and exciting adventures I participated in.

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Practicum Day

Practicum Weekend was quite interesting. We set out to go to the south of Taiwan to Kenting. We had plan a weekend full of fun and surfing. However, on day 1 I was viciously attacked by a man on the beach with a long metal rod for no reason whatsoever. I know most people say they did nothing to deserve it when they really did, however, I can assure you I was that rare case. I stood in the water, dipped my head, then on my way up was blindsided and attacked. However, this is not where I wish to focus the attention of my story, rather the individuals following who helped me.

From witnesses on the beach, to the kind ladies running our hostel, to the local police department, everyone was fully committed to ensuring my safety, recovery, and reparations. Everyone was just as stunned by this incident as I was, and even with language barriers and cultural differences, I understand everyone around me was on my side and only meant to help me in this difficult time. I saw the beauty in Taiwanese hospitality and the pride they have in their country and its foreign image.

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